Welcome to the UTTER Family Home Site consisting of the Ancestors of Joni UTTER Anderson of MD, Gary H. G. UTTER of MD, David UTTER of VA, Bill UTTER of CA, Jim Gould of MA, and Helen UTTER Carlson of (?) dating back to the first settler, Nicholas Mattson Utter. With this joint effort, we are attempting to come to an agreement as to the number of children and ordinal position of Nicholas' children. We are basically the only six people in the world who care how many children and in what order Nicholas "Nils" Mattson Utter fathered and want to provide information that has been researched thus far and to provide the sources from which it came.  We have also come to the conclusion that about 95% of all living Utters are related back to Nicholas Mattson Utter. As a result of this research, we are hoping to connect to the living Utters of today.  

If you have any connection, whatsoever, please contact Gary H. G. Utter, as he has well over 200,000 names and many branches on his database at home.  I, Joni Utter Anderson will be maintaining this site and can be reached at the e-mail address below.  Meanwhile, please see the information, I have provided through the links below.


colored by Leslie Anderson (Joni's daughter)
Artist: Kee
retouched and buttonized by Joni Utter Anderson
Border on webpage is a family photo of Joni's.

Background Sound is "The Living Years" by Mike and The Mechanics

Current Database for Nils Mattson Utter
Descendants of Thomas Utter
Ancestors and Descendants of 
Juliette Babcock Utter (Jessy Bird's lines)
Descendants of Jabez Utter (Joni Utter Anderson's lines)
Old Database Book on Nicholas Mattson Utter and his Descendants
Descendants of Nicholas Utter, Jr (Cindi Brock's lines)
Descendants of William Utter
Notes from
Joni Utter Anderson
Personal Research Sources
from Joni Utter Anderson
Our Utter
War Casualties
Internet Sources from
Joni Utter Anderson
Index of All Current Names of
Joni Utter Anderson's Lines
Surnames of
Joni Utter Anderson

Pictures and Detailed Sources of
Joni Utter Anderson's Family
and Jessy Bird's family
pictures of her ancestor,
Juliette Babcock Utter Jones

Pictures of Laura Utter Gieslan's
An Utter line not related to
Nicholas M. Utter


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Updated:  April 13, 2010